
12-13 October 2024 | Berne, Switzerland

Discover. Connect. Hack.

We believe in the power of fast prototyping to replace weeks of meetings with 2 days of action!









Join the Sports Hackdays and solve sports data challenges together in a team. During this two-day event, you will get to know experts from academia and industry leaders and learn first hand about real life challenges and opportunities from sport federations, clubs and world class athletes.
The winning team will receive tickets to enjoy a Spengler Cup game in the HCD  Presidential Lounge!

Supported by

Sports Data Challenges

Copyright SAC / Romy Streit

Performance Metrics in Sports Climbing

Using video footage from this year's European Championships in Sports Climbing, show how performance metrics can be extracted from pose estimation data.


Playmaker - Ice Hockey Data Analytics

Using a Wisehockey event data set and The Goal-Scoring Project, show how you can automatically detect 2-3 goal scoring situations to identify playmakers.


The Physics of Alpine Skiing

Using an anonymous sample of alpine skiers GPS Tracking data, show how you can visually describe the race through physical metrics that describe the forces at play. 


LLM to improve running event communication

Using a text corpus that contains event information, questions from runners and the associated answers, show how far an LLM can automate response from runners.


Friday, 11. October

Welcome Digital Call

5.00 - 6.30 pm

Get to know the Challenges
All Challenge Owners pitch to Hackers.
Challenge Groups are formed

Saturday, 12. October

Continuous Coding

9.00 am
Kickoff in Berne

12.00 am

1.00 pm
Learn from the Best

7.00 pm

Sunday, 13. October

Keep Going and Shine

8.30 am
Coffee and Croissants

12.00 am

3.00 pm
Pitch Your Results

4.30 pm
Price Ceremony, Network and Apero

Haus des Sports
Haus des Sports
Haus des Sports
Haus des Sports


Haus des Sports

The event will be held in the Haus des Sport in Ittigen b. Bern, home to Swiss Olympic and numerous Swiss sports federations. The building offers ideal infrastructure and catering for all participants.

Public transport: Trainstation Papiermühle, Ittigen. Then walk for 5min.
Car: There is public parking in the Talgut-Zentrum next to the Haus des Sports (CHF 14.50/day).

Haus des Sports
Talgut-Zentrum 27
3063 Ittigen bei Bern

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